10 Horror Movie Franchises That Should Have Stopped At One Film
1. The Human Centipede

The fact that the first Human Centipede film made it past the production stage is unbelievable. The controversial body horror juggernaut remains one of the most revolting, disturbing and downright nasty franchises that the genre has to offer.
Focusing on various different interpretations of "the centipede", a human mouth to anus experiment that was invented by Josef Heiter in The First Sequence, the films offer no pleasure to both the people in them and the audiences watching.
There are no scares. Instead, director Tom Six relies on disgusting body horror and gore to relentlessly punish the viewers at home. Not only is the first film an abomination, but the sequels get worse and worse. Looking to offer meta commentary on critics and America at the time, Six decides to frontload the films with awkward social commentary.
A more skilled filmmaker would be able to blend the social commentary with the body horror, like David Cronenberg did with The Fly, but Six isn't nuanced in the slightest. Instead, he opts for maniacal villains and increasingly brutal sequences that only exist to please one person: himself.
The Human Centipede is a franchise that should have died after its first instalment. There is nothing good, nothing interesting and nothing remotely likeable about this franchise.