10 Horror Movie Franchises That Should Have Stopped At One Film
2. Jaws
Ah shark movies...where to begin?
Looking at the list of shark related films such as 47 Metres Down, Sharknado and the Jaws franchise...it's safe to say there has never been a good sequel. Specifically looking at Jaws, every sequel gets sillier and sillier as the series goes on. The films start to revolve more around the shark kills and they lose focus of what made Jaws such a classic.
The reason that Jaws is held up as such a classic is that the characters are phenomenal. Chief Brody, Quinn and Cooper are all terrific, and it is their moments together that make the film what it is. When the trio are getting to know each other on The Orca, it is so effective in establishing those characters as likeable.
Jaws II, Jaws III and Jaws: The Revenge have ridiculous story choices that make the films border on parody. The fact that in Jaws: The Revenge, a shark seeks revenge on the Brody family just shows how this franchise...jumped the shark.