10 Horror Movie Heroes That Should Have Been Villains

3. Micah Sloat - Paranormal Activity

The Conjuring Ed Lorraine Warren
Paramount Pictures

Paranormal Activity concludes with Micah murdered by his girlfriend, Katie, after she's possessed by an evil spirit. Naturally, watching a lead character meet his maker should be a heart-wrenching moment, but as Micah pops his clogs, the majority of viewers had the same thought: "He had it coming."

When Micah learned there was a dark force residing in his home, he should've packed his bags and left. Instead, he whipped out an Ouija board and deliberately tried to provoke the malevolent phantom. And when the spirit proved dangerous, Micah took no precautions whatsoever, even after Katie was attacked and a demonologist implored him to leave.

Since Micah is an indirect antagonist, it would've been more logical to see him becoming a blatant villain, with Katie serving as the hero. Alternatively, it could've been explained that Micah's erratic decisions were due to being subtly corrupted by the spirit himself, since it's demonstrated the entity has the power to control people's minds. 

By rewriting the character this way, Micah would've been a tragic villain rather than a selfish idiot.


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