10 Horror Movie Idiots Who Made Simple Solutions Look IMPOSSIBLE

6. Roasting The Cannibals - Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings

Evil Dead 2013 Necronomicon Eric

The characters in the Wrong Turn franchise typically aren't the brightest of sparks, but the leads in Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings are on a whole other level of stupidity.

In the movie's third act, the group of imperiled college students manage to corner the cannibals in the sanatorium where they've sought refuge, and force them into one of the cells.

A few of the group decide to make short work of the cannibals by dousing them in gasoline and setting them alight, but just as Kyle (Victor Zinck Jr.) is about to hurl the lighter at them, Kenia (Jenny Pudavick) talks him out of it.

Kenia pulls the "if you kill them, you'll be just like them" card, convincing Kyle that he'll destroy his soul if he murders the cannibals.

But this refusal to do the simple thing - killing the cornered murderers - results in the cannibals escaping a few minutes later and ultimately killing everyone.

As a prequel to the original Wrong Turn film, it ends with all the students dead and the cannibals free to continue their escapades. Had Kyle simply ignored Kenia and done what needed to be, it all would've been over.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.