10 Horror Movie Killers We All Reluctantly Loved

7. Jason Voorhees

Freddy Krueger
Paramount Pictures

Jason is the true definition of a mama's boy. The death of his mother is the reason he was killing in the first few movies and he even kept a shrine of her safe in the woods. Sure, to us that may seem awfully dodgy, but what else are you supposed to do when you're a resurrected, hockey mask wearing serial killer who just wants his mother?

Plus, the way that Jason died was traumatic to say the least. Poor kid went to camp to have fun and then drowned due to some really rude kids. And while he's a monster, it's clear that he is still haunted by visions of his past in some of the movies, such as Jason Takes Manhattan.

If we ignore the fact that he had the highest body count of slashers in movies, even surpassing legends like Freddie Krueger, Jason seems, or at least seemed at a time, like a boy who was just hopelessly devoted to his mother.


Leah Holly Walker hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.