10 Horror Movie Killers We All Reluctantly Loved

2. Hannibal Lecter

Freddy Krueger
Orion Pictures

Doctor Hannibal Lecter is one we have to spread out through both the movie of the Silence Of The Lambs, as well as the television show Hannibal, because in both of those, he seems to outshine even the main heroin and heroes of the piece.

He is just so painfully charismatic that it's impossible to imagine anyone resisting his charms. Sure, he might eat people, but you best believe people would go to his house for one of his apparently delicious meals.

As long as you don't look like you would taste good with some fava beans and a nice Chianti, you should be fine.


Leah Holly Walker hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.