10 Horror Movie Mistakes Left In To Troll You

2. The "Intentional" Continuity Errors - The Shining

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Warner Bros.

Perhaps no horror film in history has been as fiercely dissected and debated as Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece The Shining.

Kubrick was an infamous perfectionist of an artist, yet the sheer number of continuity errors throughout his Stephen King adaptation has left fans debating whether the director got sloppy or was actively screwing with the audience.

Beyond the fact that the Overlook Hotel's geography doesn't make much sense, the most glaring "mistake" occurs when young Danny Torrance (Danny Lloyd) plays with his toy cars and Jack's (Jack Nicholson) ball rolls towards him.

Between shots, the direction of the iconic hexagonal carpet that Danny is sitting on changes, suggesting that the scene may have been spliced together from different camera set-ups where Kubrick shot the scene with Lloyd facing in different directions.

Naturally, some believe that Kubrick is just too exacting a filmmaker to make such a blatant mistake, and that he must've been deliberately shifting Danny's orientation to accentuate the film's off-kilter feel.

Nobody's perfect, though, and even the great Kubrick may have simply Frankensteined the scene together during post-production.

Either way, the fact that we're all still arguing about it 40 years later is proof perfect that, whether he meant to or not, Kubrick continues to troll us all from beyond the grave.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.