10 Horror Movie Moments More Important Than You Realised

3. Yara's Clamshell E-Reader - It Follows

Halloween Kills Karen

It Follows is such a moody, dread-soaked piece of work that it's easy to forget that the film never fully commits to an explicit time period, instead existing in this eerily ambiguous point in time.

There are various touchstones throughout the film pointing to different eras: the TVs are always showing 1950s films and shows, while Jay's (Maika Monroe) home has distinctly 1970s decor.

And yet, flying totally counter to all this is the brief glimpse we catch of Yara's (Olivia Luccardi) eReader device.

Yara is reading a book on what resembles a clamshell makeup compact: a piece of technology that seems both extremely modern compared to the dated CRT TVs and corded phones throughout the film, and yet completely alien to our own present where smartphones and Kindles are ubiquitous.

This very subtly places It Follows in its own distinct, unclear time period - or universe, even - which only further enhances the sheer strangeness of filmmaker David Robert Mitchell's twisted vision.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.