10 Horror Movie Moments More Important Than You Realised

2. Karen Wears A Christmas Sweater On Halloween - Halloween (2018)

Halloween Kills Karen

Here's something you've probably never thought about - did you notice that, in the new Halloween movies, Laurie Strode's (Jamie Lee Curtis) daughter Karen (Judy Greer) wears a Christmas sweater?

Given that the film is set on Halloween, it really makes no sense at all for anyone to be wearing Christmas garb almost an entire two months before the holiday. Even the most eager Christmas fan knows that's totally insane, right?

Yet there's actually a more meaningful reason for this - because Karen grew up as the daughter of Laurie, she shares a disdain for Halloween and so decides to ignore it, instead skipping straight over to Christmas.

Writer-director David Gordon Green has confirmed this himself in interviews:

"There's that little sign of rebellion... On Halloween, she wears a Christmas sweater so that she doesn't celebrate."

Actress Judy Greer meanwhile added:

"That was David's idea, which I loved... We decided that Karen hates Halloween so much that she just skips it, and Thanksgiving, and in her own head goes right to Christmas. Like, as soon as the tiny little bite-sized candies come out in the drugstores for trick-or-treaters, she pulls out her Christmas sweater and is like, 'Nope, nope, I celebrate Christmas, I'm just skipping right to Christmas.'"

It's an intriguing character flourish that slyly tells us a lot more about Karen's mindset than the film itself fully lets on.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.