10 Horror Movie Monsters That Almost Looked TOTALLY Different

1. Cthulu - Underwater

It Pennywise

Released at the start of the year - doesn't that feel like a lifetime ago? - sci-fi horror film Underwater sees a group of underwater drill workers facing off against a series of Lovecraftian monsters, the end-boss of which eventually reveals itself to be H.P. Lovecraft's inimitable tentacled creation Cthulu.

But director William Eubank only decided to include Cthulu in the movie during the film's two-year post-production period.

During shooting the creatures were simply intended to be mysterious, Lovecraft-esque aliens, with the gigantic, ancient monster seen at the end of the movie referred to as a "Behemoth" in the script.

Because much of Lovecraft's work, including Cthulu, is now in the public domain, Eubank was able to use the character in the movie of his own accord, though before he settled on Cthulu during the design process, the final antagonist almost looked totally different.

An original concept depicted the creature as a more definitively humanoid entity with elongated limbs not unlike those of Pan's Labyrinth's Pale Man.

In the end, Cthulu and all the other smaller sea monsters in the movie were redesigned to be tentacled and, well, Lovecraft-like.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.