10 Horror Movie Monsters That Almost Looked TOTALLY Different

2. The Yautja - Predator

It Pennywise

Much like the Xenomorph, Predator's Yautja is one of the most distinctive monsters in all of movie history, a dreadlock-wearing humanoid-reptilian alien, kitted out in ceremonial battle garb along with a variety of futuristic weapons. Oh, and let's not forget about that fleshy mandible.

But the original Predator was a far, underwhelming cry from that articulated, statuesque final design, and it's one which got far enough through production to actually be shipped to the Mexico set for a test shoot.

Arnold Schwarzenegger famously referred to the ridiculous-looking Predator 1.0 as "a lizard suit with the head of a duck," and only after director John McTiernan personally complained to the studio was it agreed to temporarily shut production down while special effects legend Stan Winston was brought in to fix things.

With a little create input from his pal James Cameron, Winston created the far taller, more warrior-esque final Predator, as was ultimately played by the towering Kevin Peter Hall (after original Predator performer Jean-Claude Van Damme parted ways with the production).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.