10 Horror Movie Mysteries That Will Never Leave You

These unanswered questions will never stop haunting you.

Censor Movie

Because people are naturally afraid of the unknown, horror tends to have a palpable air of mystery surrounding it. Until the monster's origins are revealed or the serial killer's mask comes off, viewers will be racking their brain, trying to comprehend what's happening. But when a story draws to a close, every loose end should be tied up in a neat little bow.

However, certain horror films leave fans with more questions than answers. When the villain's origins is unexplained, viewers will begrudgingly concoct their own theories to fill in the blanks. If a slasher ends with the killer's identity undisclosed, it can feel like a crucial scene was left on the cutting room floor. And when a whodunnit concludes with the heroes failing to crack the case, moviegoers are compelled to scour the internet to learn the truth.

Even though the horror community knows in their gut these mysteries will never be solved, it hasn't stopped them doing everything in their power to gain some insight. Although it's fun to ponder and debate about the mysteries on this list, you're out of luck if you're expecting answers.

10. What Happened Exactly To Max's Family? - Krampus

Censor Movie
Universal Pictures

Krampus kicks off with a young boy, Max Engel, having an argument with his dysfunctional family during Christmas, causing him to losing his holiday spirit.

Unbeknownst to Max, his actions get the attention of Santa Claus' wicked counterpart, Krampus. Furious that Max has turned his back on Christmas, the satyr unleashes his devious toys and gingerbread men on the Engels, killing the whole family.

In the end, Max tells Krampus he was wrong to lash out, and implores the menacing demon to give his family another chance. Krampus seems touched by Max's words and seemingly resets the events of the day.

Max then wakes up on Christmas, as if the whole event was a nightmare. As he's embraced by his adoring family, the camera pans out, revealing the Engels' home resides in a snow globe, inside Krampus' domain.

Wait, what? What does this mean? Are the Engels in some form of purgatory? Are they in Hell? Why is Krampus storing people in snow globes? What purpose does it serve?

Although viewers will have plenty of questions, none of them are going to be answered.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85