10 Horror Movie Mysteries That Will Never Leave You

7. What Does The Star Child Do? - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Censor Movie

At first, 2001: A Spacey Odyssey's deeper meanings appear to be impenetrable. But by researching Stanley Kubrick's discussions surrounding the film and reading Arthur C. Clarke's novel of the same name, fans should have a better grasp of the story.

But after 60 years, it's still difficult to understand the meaning behind the ending. In the third act, Dave is engulfed in a vortex, causing him to awaken in a mysterious bedroom. The transition ages Dave's body, turning him into an elderly man.

Suddenly, a mysterious monolith appears before Dave, transforming him into a foetal creature, colloquially known as the Star Child. The film concludes with Dave in his new cosmic form floating above the Earth, admiring his former world.

It's an iconic image, but the implication behind the Star Child remains unclear. It's unknown whether Dave is tasked with observing humanity or protecting it. And since he resembles a foetus, it indicates he'll evolve into a more powerful entity, but it's uncertain what this metamorphosis will lead to.

Sadly, the sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, doesn't shed any light, since Dave only appears briefly and leaves little impact on the story.


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