10 Horror Movie Mysteries That Will Never Leave You

8. What Did Anna Say To Mademoiselle? - Martyrs

Censor Movie

In Martyrs, Anna encounters a cult that tortures women under the belief their suffering will allow them to transcend reality. The society's leader, the Mademoiselle, conducts these cruel acts believing it will allow humanity to learn the secrets of the universe.

Although most of Mademoiselle's test subjects die long before they prove viable, Anna endures everything her tormenters throw at her. For her final test, Anna is flayed alive until only the skin on her face remains.

When the torturer looks into her eyes, she believes Anna's profound gaze signifies she has spiritually entered the realm of god. When Mademoiselle arrives, Anna whispers into her ear, telling her about the world that exists beyond our own.

The society's members gather shortly after, eager to hear what Mademoiselle has discovered. To her subordinate's surprise, Mademoiselle says, "Keep doubting," before shooting herself dead.

Because this insidious demagogue dedicated her life to learning about the afterlife, it's intriguing how Anna's insight inspired Mademoiselle to blow her brains out. It was satisfying to see such a malevolent person meet her end, but it's a pity we'll never learn why.


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