10 Horror Movie Mysteries That Will Never Leave You

4. Did The Plan Work? - The Platform

Censor Movie

In The Platform, Goreng awakens in a vertical prison with a gaping hole in each cell. Every day, a food-filled platform lowers to each level, giving inmates a few minutes to eat. Although there's enough food for everyone, the prisoners are consumed by gluttony, so there's no food left when the platform reaches the lower levels.

Tired of their imprisonment, Goreng and his cellmate Baharat ride the platform down and ration the food for each inmate. As a symbolic gesture to the Administration, the pair intend to leave the most delicious food, the panna cotta, untouched, proving humanity isn't corrupted by greed.

But when Goreng finds a starving child on the lower levels, he feeds her the panna cotta. After reaching the bottom, Goreng leaves the girl on the platform, allowing it to return to the Administration office as a sign of peace.

As touching as this moment is, it's never shown whether the Administration was moved by Goreng's gesture. Considering the higher-ups imprison children and allow inmates to eat one another, it's possible they couldn't care less about Goreng's declaration. Because the movie cuts to black immediately after, viewers must draw their own conclusions if Goreng's gamble paid off.


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