10 Horror Movie Performances That Fell Totally Flat

5. Stephen Lack - Scanners

Scream 2022 Sam
Manson International

David Cronenberg's Scanners is undeniably best remembered for that all-timer head explosion scene and Michael Ironside's deliciously villainous performance as rogue scanner Darryl Revok.

But y'know who nobody talks about, let alone has much memory of? Stephen Lack and his snoozy turn as protagonist Cameron Vale. 

The ironically monikered actor gives a performance almost entirely bereft of presence, and while a certain degree of sparseness makes sense for his embattled character, Lack ultimately goes overboard by, well, actually doing nothing at all.

Lack renders Vale in only monotonous terms, such that it's a minor miracle that Cronenberg's effervescent filmmaking is able to counter-balance it enough to keep Scanners compelling.

Though the camera loves Lack's face during intense close-us, any time he's called to deliver convincing dialogue, he categorically fails the sniff test. 

Even if Cronenberg cast Lack with the absolute intention of having him play the part this way, it's a net negative for the movie overall.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.