10 Horror Movie Performances That Fell Totally Flat

6. Bianca Kajlich - Halloween: Resurrection

Scream 2022 Sam
Dimension Films

Hands up if you can name Halloween: Resurrection's Final Girl, let alone the actress who plays her.

That dubious honour goes to Bianca Kajlich's Sara Moyer, a student at Haddonfield University who ends up on Michael Myers' (Brad Loree) bad side after spending the night in his abandoned family home as part of a live Internet horror show.

Sara is as bland as final girls get, fading into the background with her near-non-existent personality, entirely unaided by Bianca Kajlich's pancake-flat performance in the role.

It also doesn't help that she's stood next to the far more memorable male lead of Freddie Harris (Busta Rhymes), and while everyone remembers Busta Rhymes busting out his karate moves on Michael, nobody can say a damn thing about what Sara gets up to.

Even accepting how wretched Resurrection's script is from start to finish, Kajlich simply blends into the background like a cardboard cutout awkwardly shoved into the corner. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.