10 Horror Movie Performances That Proved EVERYONE Wrong

6. Stephen Lang - Don't Breathe

Evil Dead Mia
Sony Pictures Releasing

On the surface, the concept of an old blind man hunting for you in his house does not appear particularly scary. He can't see you and even in the unlikely event he does catch you, isn't he too old to do anything other than hit you with his walking stick?

Viewers reading this and nodding along in their head should avoid the house in 2016's Don't Breathe at all costs. Three friends with similar notions, break into a blinded veteran's house following a tipoff about a large amount of cash. What could go wrong?

Quite literally everything, as the friends soon realize that losing his sight has not robbed the veteran of any of his deadly military skill. Played by Stephen Lang in an engrossing performance, the sightless former solider hunts the friends through the house in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse where the slightest sound could mean death.

Eyes are the window to the soul but even without his, Lang's turn as the veteran is spellbinding. The actor arguably conveys more menace than a killer who can see his victims and his almost superhuman hearing ratchets up the dread a few notches every time one of the hunted makes a minute sound. The sequences in the house are nail bitingly relentless and Lang's twisted exploration of the character as the film progresses only serves to horrify the viewer further.

A breathtaking revolutionary film that dispelled the notion that old blind men do not make for worthy horror adversaries.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.