10 Horror Movie Performances That Proved EVERYONE Wrong

7. Robert Pattinson - The Lighthouse

Evil Dead Mia

It is 2022, so it is fair to say that many of us who have grown up watching films in color may feel a sense of trepidation when committing to watching a black and white one. According to director Robert Eggers, the black and white form in which the film is shot was to take advantage of the pallet he deemed most effective in conveying the spirit of the film.

This is not hyperbole.

The only sense of trepidation that comes while watching Egger's 2018 psychological horror that is The Lighthouse comes from the carefully maintained air of dread cultivated by Egger's elite direction and unforgettable performances from the two stars of the film.

While Willem Dafoe's performance as maniacal lighthouse keeper Wake is as excellent as audiences have come to expect from the veteran actor, the man who really shines in this bleak taut thriller is Robert Pattinson.

The actor, now established as a serious dramatic performer following critically acclaimed performances in Good Time, Tenet and The Batman, absolutely throws himself into this harrowing performance as a haunted man running away from his past.

Utterly transforming the preconceived notion that contemporary audiences require a color production to feel chills running up their spine, Pattinson's chilling turn as Ephraim and The Lighthouse in general make for absolute must see viewing.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.