10 Horror Movie Performances That Proved EVERYONE Wrong

4. John Krasinski - A Quiet Place

Evil Dead Mia
Paramount Pictures

Does a horror film need dialogue to get pulses racing from fear?

This was the question posed by John Krasinki's groundbreaking horror epic, 2018's A Quiet Place. The film sees a family living in a world overtaken with monstrous creatures possessing impenetrable armor and supernatural hearing, meaning that even a loud footstep can result in immediate horrendous death. Not exactly the film for iconic one liners.

The film utterly dispelled the notion however, that verbal dialogue is required for a horror film to be scary. A Quiet Place is an incredibly tense, danger fraught experience from start to finish.

The deafening silence at moments where the human urge is to scream at the top of one's lungs is indescribably eerie and the performance of the cast who convey an unfathomable amount of raw human emotion without the use of words is breathtaking.

Krasinki's direction and lead performance is absolutely enthralling. Through his facial expressions alone, the actor conveys an absurd range of emotion, perfectly capturing the essence of a desperate father trying to help his family survive this brutal new world while tortured with guilt at the loss of his son.

Even in scenes where the characters use sign language to communicate safely, the manner in which he and the rest of the cast sign, perfectly captures the emotions they are feeling. And all without one word being spoken.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.