10 Horror Movie Performances That Proved EVERYONE Wrong

3. Nicholas Cage - Mandy

Evil Dead Mia
RLJE Films

It is no secret by now, that Cage will appear in quite literally any film that will offer him a contract. Such a cavalier approach to selecting professional projects have resulted in several woefully bad films. Clangers such as nonsensical Season of the Witch and straight to video disaster Running With The Devil bombed financially as well as critically.

However, anyone who would write Academy Award winning Cage off has never seen his phenomenal performances in Leaving Las Vegas and Adaptation; he is blessed with superlative range and expressive ability. Questionable career choices have not robbed Mr Cage of his unique brand of raw and wildly entertaining method acting.

This is exemplified perfectly in 2018's psychedelic horror revenge flick Mandy. Cage plays a grief stricken outsider on an implacable quest for payback against the psychotic cult that murdered his girlfriend, the titular Mandy. He received rave reviews for his performance in the blood soaked revenge romp, which critics argued played to his strengths as one of the most versatile, underrated actors of his generation.

Most importantly, Cage proved that time and all the negative critical response in the world would not stop him from producing performances which served as a showcase of his unquestionable dramatic talent.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.