10 Horror Movie Props You Didn't Know Were Reused

2. A Nightmare On Elm Street's Freddy Glove Was Used In Evil Dead II

Child's Play Tales from the Crypt Chucky Crypt Keeper
New Line Cinema/Rosebud Releasing Corporation

Wes Craven and Sam Raimi famously had a long-running faux rivalry that ran for years.

After seeing how Craven had featured a torn Jaws poster in The Hills Have Eyes as a way to proclaim how Hills was a real horror movie, Raimi followed suit and featured a torn poster of that 1977 Craven picture in The Evil Dead.

By the time A Nightmare on Elm Street rolled around, Wes went one better and had main protagonist Nancy actually fall asleep while watching The Evil Dead; so tame was that movie.

So, when Raimi got to work on 1987's Evil Dead II, he again looked to playfully wink at Wes Craven. And to do this, the filmmaker showed a razor-fingered glove on the wall of the cellar in the cabin where so much of that sequel takes place.

The belief amongst those in the industry is that the Freddy Krueger-esque glove in Evil Dead II really was the same glove that had been adorned by the Elm Street franchise's Robert Englund - with the long-standing rumour being that this killer mitt was borrowed from the Elm Street crew.

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Senior Writer

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