10 Horror Movie Remakes You Must Never Watch

1. Psycho

Martyrs remake
Universal Pictures

If you've watched Psycho, you don't need to watch the 1998 remake because... you've already seen it. The director, Gus Van Sant, believed Alfred Hitchcock's slasher was so perfect, there was no point trying to better it. This mentality encouraged him to turn his movie into an almost shot-for-shot remake.

This is obviously a terrible idea since every scene feels inorganic. Because the actors are encouraged to replicate the performances of the 1960 version's counterparts, everyone moves stiffly and speaks mechanically.

Contrary to popular belief, the film isn't a carbon copy. Unlike the original, the remake opens with a pan and zoom over the city. Hitchcock wanted to use this shot for his opening but scrapped the idea when he couldn't make it look right. However, this change emphasises the same point as before. Van Sant didn't alter the opening to better serve his vision. Instead, he thought, "I'll do what Alfred Hitchcock wanted."

The 1998 version of Psycho is the worst kind of remake since it is bereft of soul. As an experiment, it's an intriguing idea. But as a movie, it's a shameless, perfunctory mess.

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