10 Horror Movie Remakes You Must Never Watch

8. House Of Wax

Martyrs remake
Warner Bros

Between the 1950s-1970s, Vincent Price was the king of B-movies. His work on House on Haunted Hill and The Last Man on Earth helped define him as The Master of Horror. A lot of his films are regarded as trashy by today's standards but some still stand the test of time, especially House of Wax. The idea of a mad man mutilating his victims and turning their bodies into wax models for his museum is deeply unsettling. However, it was Price's commanding presence and unnerving delivery that elevated the film from cheap schlock to classic horror.

The House of Wax was so horrifying, fans couldn't see how the 2005 remake could top it.

And it didn't. Although many criticisms focus on Paris Hilton's wooden performance, the reality star isn't in the movie much since she's among the first victims killed off. But Hilton is the least of this film's problems. The camera quality and lighting is poor to the point where it resembles a student film. Because of how amateur it's shot, it's genuinely hard to believe House of Wax received a cinematic release.

You know what the worst thing is? The wax models look AMAZING! Upon watching the sequences revolving around the models, you feel bad that the designers' beautifully crafted work isn't appearing in a better movie.


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