10 Horror Movie Remakes You Must Never Watch

7. The Omen

Martyrs remake
20th Century Fox

To help promote The Omen reboot, it was released on 06/06/06, as a reference to Biblical Mark of the Beast, 666. Sadly, more effort was put into this marketing ploy than the film itself.

2006's The Omen is a remake in a very literal sense since it just remakes everything that made the original special. If you watched the trailer, you can tell the director, John Moore, prioritised making his work identical to the flick's precursor, rather than entertaining. It's so similar beat-for-beat and line-for-line, it feels like it was designed by an algorithm.

Despite the fact the sequels were disappointing, they had some creatively haunting moments. Unfortunately, there's none of that here. It's got a great cast and it's shot well but it lacks in scares since we know what's going to happen.

Once the audience realises it's following the formula of Richard Donner's version meticulously, you know the priest is going to be impaled by a weather vane. You know Damien is going to knock his step-mother off a balcony. You know the photographer is going to be decapitated in a freak accident. The only difference is these scenes lack tension and are plagued with sloppy CGI.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85