10 Horror Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

5. The Director Is The Killer - The Last Broadcast

lipstick face demon insidious
FFM Productions

The Last Broadcast is a mostly great found footage film which suffered the bad luck of being overshadowed by the admittedly superior The Blair Witch Project.

It also doesn't help that the film - centered around a documentary filmmaker, David Leigh (David Beard), investigating the murders of several men in the New Jersey Pine Barrens - concludes with an absolute clanger of a twist ending.

Leigh eventually receives footage that apparently contains the identity of the killer, and he employs a data retrieval expert to reconstruct the damaged images on the tape.

At this point, it's revealed that the killer is Leigh himself, with the perspective suddenly shifting to third-person. Leigh then kills the expert and disposes of her body, before continuing on with the next part of his documentary. The End.

Clearly the filmmakers wanted to end things with a "gotcha!" rug-pull, but between the goofiness of the reveal and betraying the film's own rules with the sudden change in perspective, it brought an otherwise bone-chilling horror film to an utter dud of a climax.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.