10 Horror Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

4. It's Supernatural After All - The Last Exorcism

lipstick face demon insidious

The Last Exorcism is a really, really solid found footage movie if you can forgive its overegged shambles of a final 10 minutes.

The film revolves around a down-and-out minister, Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian), who lets a documentary crew film what will be his final exorcism on a young girl, Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell).

Nell's father believes her to be possessed by the Devil, having allegedly slaughtered livestock and miraculously fallen pregnant, but near the end of the story, Marcus realises Nell isn't possessed at all.

Rather, she's embarrassed about getting pregnant after sleeping with a local boy, but because the film apparently can't end there, there's one final twist: the boy in question is gay and hasn't had sex with Nell.

Marcus promptly returns to the Sweetzer farmhouse to find an occult ritual taking place, with Nell birthing a demonic entity. In the final scene, Marcus runs towards the ritual with a cross, his dwindling faith restored, while the filmmakers are all killed off by the family in the chaos.

The more restrained ending, that Nell really was just a woman struggling to come to terms with her repressed sexuality, would've made for a far more interesting and unexpected finale, while the actual reveal ends up feeling like something the studio forcibly stapled on the end.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.