10 Horror Movie Robots That Scared Us Out Of Our Minds

6. Ash - Alien

M3gan 2023

Nobody is going to blame you if you were scared out of your skin while watching the chestburster sequence in Alien.

But upon reflection, the Xenomorph is not the scariest part of the movie - it's Ash. He can mimic human emotions and mannerisms so effectively, the Nostromo crew had no idea he was a synthetic android. Because the Weyland-Yutani corporation programmed Ash with secret orders to secure the extra-terrestrial, he had to act incompetent while trying to "kill" it, to avoid arousing suspicion. The fact Ash repeatedly aided the creature without exposing himself as a traitor shows how ingeniously duplicitous he is.

But these qualities just prove that Ash is sneaky. What makes the android truly frightening is how he doesn't hesitate to sacrifice his crew for the sake of the mission. When he starts malfunctioning, his ability to overpower Ripley with ease demonstrates his pragmatic adaptability.

After he's decapitated, Ash should no longer pose a threat. But somehow, he becomes creepier! Even in his immobilised form, the crew are left wetting themselves while listening to Ash's callous observations. Once he explains to them how utterly futile their mission is, you can't help being chilled to the bone.


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