10 Horror Movie Robots That Scared Us Out Of Our Minds

4. Mother - I Am Mother

M3gan 2023

In I Am Mother, a woman called Daughter tries to survive in a post-apocalyptic world by hiding in a sealed bunker with her maternal android, Mother. Mother is designed to protect Daughter at all costs and so, cares for all her physical and emotional needs. Because of the robot's gentle timber and delicate manner, there's no reason why Daughter shouldn't feel at ease while in her presence.

However, the whole situation feels like a human trapped in a cage with a tiger. Even if the wild animal acts nice and friendly, you know it could turn at any moment. Not only that, the human has nowhere to run and no chance of fighting back.

So, when Mother starts displaying abnormal behaviour, Daughter starts question her metallic carer's intentions. When asked a certain question, Mother will make a subtle but unmistakable change in pitch or movement, implying she's hiding something. What's worse is Daughter knows she can't fight Mother or run from her, since she's too fast, strong, and resourceful.

Going into I Am Mother cold, you'd assume the titular android is, at worst, a killer robot. But when you learn the truth about her, you'll realise Mother is a bigger monster than you could've imagined.


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