10 Horror Movie Scenes Everyone Always Gets Wrong

1. The Violence Is A Metaphor For The Film Industry & Yugoslav Wars - A Serbian Film

Contra Film

What Everyone Thinks

A Serbian Film is one of the most infamous horror films - or films, period, really - ever made, a deeply depraved, lunatic odyssey in which a retired porn actor, Miloš (Srđan Todorović), agrees to take part in an "art film" which actually involves murder, rape, and necrophilia.

The film is full of unconscionably horrific sequences, such as Miloš having sex with a woman while she's beheaded, and another in which a newborn baby is violated (we'll say no more).

On the surface, it's absolutely fair to assume that these scenes were made for nothing more than stomach-churning shock value.

Why It's Wrong

Director and co-writer Srđan Spasojević has spoken extensively about the meaning of the film, and attests that A Serbian Film is, in its most depraved moments, a commentary on both the Serbian film industry and the Yugoslav Wars.

The film has basically been assembled as a parody of stereotypical Serbian state-sponsored films, which are largely politically correct and sanitised to the point of tedium.

By being the complete opposite of this, and having the title that it does, it's basically thumbing its nose at the homegrown Serbian film industry in the most extreme, arguably trollish way possible.

Spasojević has also suggested that the film's most atrocious scenes reflect the horrors of the Yugoslav Wars, where men, women, and children were raped and murdered en masse, and the average Serb became desensitised to it all.

You may not feel the film is any more worthwhile for knowing its meaning, but it is absolutely a film made with thematic intent rather than a mere dispassionate collage of edgy shock-pieces.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.