10 Horror Movie Scenes Everyone Always Gets Wrong

2. Rose Isn't A Clear-Cut Villain, She's Also Hypnotised (Probably) - Get Out


What Everyone Thinks

Jordan Peele's Get Out drops a banger of a reveal when, as Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) attempts to flee the Armitage household with his girlfriend Rose (Allison Williams), she prevents him from leaving.

After fumbling around for a while trying to find her car keys, she suddenly pulls them out and her facial expression changes instantly from one of panic to cold indifference. Rose was in on it the whole time, right?

Why It's Wrong

A fan theory quickly started doing the rounds that maybe, just maybe, Rose was actually both a victim and a victimiser, having been hypnotised herself to help further her family's plan.

But the theory graduated to quasi-confirmation when the film's deleted scenes were released, one of which sees Chris talking about being hypnotised by Rose's mother Missy (Catherine Keener).

Rose replies that her mother also hypnotised her in high school to help her get over stage fright, and that she similarly had the "craziest nightmares."

The wider implication, though, is that Rose was herself being manipulated by her family to help bring Black men home and hijack their bodies for their nefarious purposes.

While deleted scenes aren't technically canon and you can argue that Peele was sensible to cut the scene in order to streamline the social commentary, it does lend a greater dimension to Rose as a character.

After all, considering how convincingly frantic she was while searching for the car keys, could that not have been a flash of Rose's true instincts briefly bubbling to the surface?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.