10 Horror Movie Scenes Shot In A Single Take

8. Doom-Head’s Monologue - 31

American actor Richard Brake is still a relative unknown, despite having played the role of one of the most memorable TV villains of the last decade.

As well as giving presence to the Night King from Game of Thrones, Brake has also appeared in films such as Batman Begins, Thor: The Dark World, and 31, a Rob Zombie-directed horror from 2016.

He plays Doom-Head, part of a cult of evil clowns who kidnap a group of fairground workers and subject them to a night of torture. Here, Brake more than makes up for his face not being in Game of Thrones, as an extreme close-up of him is all the audience sees for the first six minutes of the film.

The opening of 31 sees Doom-Head slowly approach the camera and deliver a monologue to the audience. It is revealed that he is actually talking to a prisoner, who gets cut to every now and then, but Brake's parts are all delivered in one go, possibly even captured in a single take.

It's some fantastic work from the underrated actor, which makes it even more of a shame that 31 did not get the best reviews.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.