10 Horror Movie Scenes Shot In A Single Take

5. Most Of The Film - Let’s Scare Julie

A low-budget, under-the-radar indie horror from 2020, Let's Scare Julie is about one of the most frightening forces in the known universe - teenage girls.

A group of young women hatch a plot to frighten their loner neighbour in a bid to have some mean-spirited Halloween fun. The movie explores themes of bullying and the pressures faced by teenagers, while not exactly presenting anything new in terms of scares or ideas.

The film deviates from convention by presenting the fateful evening's events in their entirety, inviting viewers to join the scheming teens in their horrific plight. Large sections of the movie are filmed from behind the girls, tracking them in one big shot as they get to work on making poor Julie's life a living hell.

There are some visible cuts, which is strange, considering the lengths they went to to present this story as a long take, but on the whole, the team behind this movie did a decent job in sticking to the brief.

Unfortunately, the film made little splash in the horror world, with almost zero reputable outlets bothering to review it. Still, if you've got 90 minutes to kill, there are worse options.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.