10 Horror Movie Scenes Shot In A Single Take

3. La Saca Muda/Silent House

For as long as there have been films not in English, there have been English-language remakes ready to capitalise on their success.

One such example is 2011's Silent House, starring Scarlet Witch herself, Elizabeth Olsen.

The film is actually a remake of a Uruguayan horror named La Saca Muda ("The Silent House" in Spanish) that came out a year earlier. That movie, which was directed by Gustavo Hernández, was presented as a single continuous take, and the US remake wasn't going to mess with that formula.

Both stories revolve around a woman trapped in a house, where an unseen assailant is seemingly out to harm her. The action is presented in real-time, but both movies needed help from the editing team to get this done.

The American version was filmed in batches of 12-15 minute-long single takes that were seamlessly woven together at a later date.

As for the Uruguayan one, they claimed that everything was done in one take, but this was rebuked after it was discovered that the cameras used for the project could only capture 15 minutes of footage at a time.

Should really have checked that before you started boasting, guys.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.