10 Horror Movie Scenes Shot In A Single Take

2. All Of It... Maybe - Soft & Quiet

Beth de Araújo's Soft & Quiet from 2022 is what would happen if your worst fears about your conservative neighbours actually came true.

Inspired by an incident between a white woman and an African-American man in Central Park in 2020, Soft & Quiet is about a group of modern white supremacist women who descend further and further into madness over the course of a single day.

It's not your typical horror in terms of its presentation, but in terms of generating genuine and realistic fear, it does a damn fine job.

The film is presented in real-time, in one long shot, but whether or not it was filmed this way is up for debate. In a Forbes article about the movie, it states that Soft & Quiet was filmed in "one take on four separate days".

Whether that means it was filmed in a single take four times on four different days or filmed over four days and then stitched together to make one take remains unclear, but, either way, it's still a highly compelling way of presenting such a chilling look at our modern society.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.