10 Horror Movie Scenes That Broke The Camera

1. The Police Chase - The Covenant

Resident Evil Afterlife
Sony Pictures Releasing

2006's critically mauled supernatural horror flick The Covenant saw some heavy duty camera equipment get wrecked while shooting its very first scene.

The movie opens with the four male witch protagonists (Steven Strait, Taylor Kitsch, Toby Hemingway, and Chace Crawford) fleeing the cops, who have shown up to disrupt their decadent bonfire party in the woods.

A brief car chase follows, but during shooting a camera crane ended up misjudging its clearance and snagging itself on the cop car as it swerved underneath it. This caused huge damage to the crane, and if you know much about film equipment, those things can end up almost as expensive as high-end cameras themselves. But more crucially, the botched stunt also destroyed the camera itself along with the lighting rig that was hooked up on top of it.

That's... one hell of an expensive mistake, all while shooting a relatively basic car chase sequence, no less. Yikes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.