10 Horror Movie Scenes That Broke The Camera

2. The Airplane Graveyard - Resident Evil: Afterlife

Resident Evil Afterlife
Screen Gems

Paul W.S. Anderson's Resident Evil franchise had its fair share of unfortunate on-set accidents, yet one that thankfully resulted in no human harm occurred during filming of the series' fourth movie, Afterlife.

During the sequence where protagonist Alice (Milla Jovovich) walks through an airplane graveyard and has a surprise encounter with her old pal Claire Redfield (Ali Larter), Milla Jovovich accidentally obliterated a camera by shooting it.

In a panel at San-Diego Comic Con 2010, co-star Ali Larter revealed that Jovovich discharged a round which fired straight into one of the cameras being used to film the sequence, causing the glass element of the lens to "blow apart" to the tune of $100,000 in damage.

Nobody elaborated on precisely why blanks weren't being used for the shot - which is especially alarming in light of recent tragedies - but in the very least, the only casualty was a totally replaceable, aggressively insured camera.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.