10 Horror Movie Scenes That Broke The Camera

3. On The Orca - Jaws

Resident Evil Afterlife
Universal Pictures

It's no secret at all that production of Jaws was a horror show all on its own. 

Most famously, the mechanical shark refused to cooperate, resulting in Steven Spielberg having to feature it far less than anticipated; a happy accident that ultimately only enhanced the movie's tension. But there were myriad other issues, with the crew damn-near mutinying against Spielberg as he struggled to maintain control of the roughshod shoot.

One especially calamitous incident took place while shooting aboard Quint's (Robert Shaw) boat the Orca, which for reasons unknown began to sink - a pretty big issue for a movie that spends so much of its time shooting on water.

Spielberg reportedly called for the safety boasts to swoop in and rescue the cast and crew, but it was too late for one of the film's cameras, which ended up fully submerged in the drink before it could be recovered.

There was a somewhat happy outcome to this, though, as the crew took the waterlogged film to a lab in New York, where against all expectations, technicians were able to treat and salvage every single frame of footage to be used during editing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.