10 Horror Movie Scenes That Genuinely Terrified Actors

1. The Entire Film - The Last House On The Left

Blair Witch Project
Hallmark Releasing

Usually, there should be no reason for actors to feel genuine fear during filming. Even if an actor is performing a sequence where they're being eaten, burnt, or dismembered, there's no cause for alarm, since they're not in any real danger.

But when a person has to perform a scene revolving around a deeply disturbing subject, it's impossible not to be unsettled. So, when Sandra Peabody had to shoot her gang-rape scenes for The Last House on the Left, it's no surprise she felt deeply uncomfortable.

In the scene in question, Peabody's character is bound, gagged, and violated by a group of rapists, led by sociopath Krug (David Hess). Because this sequence required long, unbroken takes, filming would be horrific to film for anyone in Peabody's shoes.

However, Hess constantly harassed Peabody off-screen, to ensure she looked disgusted in any scene where they shared the screen. Hess was so nasty to her, the young actress walked off and tried to quit the production. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), the filmmakers convinced her to stay.

Peabody was left so rattled, she quit acting two years later, and refuses to discuss her experience on The Last on the House on the Left since.


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