10 Horror Movie Scenes That Genuinely Terrified Actors

2. The Staircase - The Shining

Blair Witch Project
Warner Bros.

While filming The Shining, director Stanley Kubrick deliberately mistreated lead actress Shelley Duvall to make her performance more erratic. Although this fact is well-documented, few people comprehend how much turmoil the young actress had to endure during production.

Now, playing a terrified woman convincingly in a movie would be exhausting for anybody. But Duvall was expected to be in a constant state of panic, 16 hours per day for 56 weeks.

But it wasn't the scenes themselves that took its toll on Duvall, but the sheer amount of times she performed them. As she explained in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, "Kubrick doesn’t print anything until at least the 35th take. 35 takes, running and crying and carrying a little boy, it gets hard."

Due to enduring overwhelming stress, Duvall suffered anxiety attacks and hair loss, collapsed on-set, and was left with permanent psychological damage. She cried so often, she literally stopped producing tears for a time.

The most exhausting scene for Duvall was the confrontation between her character and her deranged husband. Because this scene was shot 127 times (which is the Guinness World Record for most retakes in a non-silent movie), Shelley was left pretty-much broken.


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