10 Horror Movie Scenes That Totally Trolled Everyone

1. The Uneventful Finale - In A Violent Nature

Exorcist 3 Jumpscare

In a Violent Nature offered up a uniquely artsy take on the prototypical slasher movie, largely unfolding from the perspective of Jason Voorhees-esque masked murderer Johnny (Ry Barrett).

Yet that all changes in the third act, where the perspective shifts from Johnny to Final Girl Kris (Andrea Pavlovic) as she attempts to flee to safety.

A gravely injured Kris is picked up on the road by a woman (genre legend Lauren-Marie Taylor) driving a pickup truck, and during their lengthy 10-minute chit-chat on the drive to the hospital, the audience is clearly encouraged to feel increasingly wary of this woman.

In the genre's tradition, it's reasonable to assume that the woman is a secret villain not unlike Friday the 13th's Mrs. Voorhees, and when she stops the car to wrap a tourniquet around Kris' bleeding leg, it feels like she's setting up Kris to get mauled by Johnny.

But the gut-wrenchingly tense moment passes without incident, Kris is driven safely out of the woods, and the film then ends without any further glimpse of Johnny.

It's nothing if not a suitably polarising way to end the year's most divisive horror film, toying with audience expectations in severely deadpan fashion.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.