10 Horror Movie Scenes That Totally Trolled Everyone

8. Best. Jump Scare. Ever. - The Exorcist III

Exorcist 3 Jumpscare
20th Century Forx

Jump scares are such a moldy, predictable part of most horror movies that it's tough for even the best genre filmmakers to innovate, and yet, William Peter Blatty pulled off an all-timer one in the criminally underappreciated Exorcist III.

Mid-way through the movie, a nurse goes to check on a patient at the local hospital, which is shown as an unremarkable, flat shot pointed at the hospital hallway.

The nurse enters the room, does her thing, and then returns to the hallway, where she locks the room up. 

Except as she turns her back, the door suddenly opens, and a shears-carrying nun emerges behind her as a discordant screech blares out and Blatty snap-zooms in.

We then cut to a decapitated statue, making it clear what just happened to the nurse even while we don't actually see the grisly outcome.

Blatty masterfully plays with our expectations here, taking a seemingly banal camera shot and using it to lure the audience into a false sense of security, before letting loose with one of the most terrifying scares in the history of horror cinema. 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.