10 Horror Movie Scenes That Totally Trolled Everyone

6. Annie Raps The Credits - Dashcam

Exorcist 3 Jumpscare
Momentum Pictures

There's a strong argument to be made that Dashcam is basically a 76-minute feat of trolling viewers, given that it forces them to contend with one of the genre's all-time most gratingly obnoxious protagonists.

Annie (Annie Hardy) is a right-wing livestreamer with a sure fondness for Donald Trump and anything but fondness for COVID vaccines, with director Rob Savage seemingly daring the audience to actually root for her to survive.

Despite her deeply offputting demeanour and general lack of self-preservation instincts, Annie inexplicably survives her horrid run-in with a supernatural force in London, but even when the end credits roll, the torment isn't quite over.

Dashcam's credits bring Annie back to rap the entire roll-call of cast and crew, in an excruciatingly vulgar sequence that drags on for the better part of 10 minutes. 

Again, it felt like Savage was basically daring viewers to keep watching rather than just turn the movie off, which was certainly a fitting way to wrap up such a confrontingly disagreeable film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.