10 Horror Movie Scenes That Totally Trolled Everyone

5. No Ending - The Devil Inside

Exorcist 3 Jumpscare
Paramount Pictures

There's messing with your audience, and then there's straight-up short-changing paying customers to save some money.

2012's infamous found footage film The Devil Inside ends abruptly with the central characters being involved in a car accident all while possessed filmmaker Isabella (Fernanda Andrade) disappears into the night. 

A title card than appears explaining that the case remains unsolved, and you should visit TheRossiFiles.com to learn more about the present investigation.

Man, what a jip.

To just abruptly cut the movie off and then point the audience to a website - a website that went down a few short years after the film's release, no less - showed a jaw-dropping lack of respect for the people forking out cash to go see it.

The non-ending even led some viewers to seek refunds from Paramount, yet the greatest troll of all might be that The Devil Inside ended up grossing over $100 million on a mere $1 million budget. That's one hell of a successful grift.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.