10 Horror Movie Secrets Never Meant To Be Found

8. Pennywise’s Eyes - It

The Exorcist Pazuzu
Warner Bros. Pictures

Try saying "Pennywise's Eyes" five times fast - bet you can't.

You might think that we're referring to the moment right at the start of It Chapter One where Pennywise's bright yellow eyes can be seen in the darkness behind Georgie Denbrough whilst he's walking down the basement.

Whilst this is a very subtle hint and one that you would definitely need the pause button to notice, it's not what we're on about here.

When Georgie is confronted by the dancing clown in the infamous storm drain scene, his eyes are still that same piercing yellow colour. However, as the dialogue between the two progresses, they change to blue.

Why? Does he have some sort of magic contact lenses in? Is this some secret clown thing we don't know about? Actually, it's way worse than that.

Pennywise changes the colour of his irises to the same colour as Georgie's mother and brother's. This is done to make the boy feel more safe, before his inevitable demise.

This is outlined in Stephen King's original novel, but those who have just seen the film now know the true horrifying cause of the clown's transforming features.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.