10 Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2019

6. Glass - 18th January

Pennywise Gif

Coming as the end of M. Night Shyamalan's superhero trilogy, Glass is the final movie to round off the series started with thriller Unbreakable, which was then fleshed out with 2016's hit horror Split.

Whilst Glass might not be your typical scary movie, its connections to Shyamalan's undeniably spooky Split - where 23 of Kevin's Dissociative Identity Disorder personalities threaten to unleash a supernatural entity named The Beast - is evidence enough that there's going to be something very dark running through the heart of this movie, despite all its pink walls in the marketing.

Glass seeks to unite the three men central to the previous two movies, super strong David Dunn, super smart Mr Glass, and super freaky Kevin Crumb as they explore their 'superhuman' abilities. A plot ties the three together that threatens society at large, and with Kevin's, or rather The Beast's, appetite for young girls very clear from the trailers it's likely we'll get some bone-chilling moments as the film plays out.

It's all very exciting considering it's a trilogy we never asked for, but desperately need.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.