10 Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2019

5. Happy Death Day 2U - 14th February

Pennywise Gif
Universal Pictures

Blumhouse has been knocking horror movies out of the park in recent years, with last year alone seeing titles like Upgrade, BlacKkKlansman, and the new Halloween movie hitting screens and offering up a completely fresh take on an often tired genre.

Happy Death Day in 2017 turned out to be one such clever iteration too, the groundhog day of horror where a college student is forced to relive her own murder continuously. Waking up with a steaming hangover literally forever is definitely punishment enough, but Tree gets a healthy dose of stabbing, by knives and broken bongs alike, until she can figure out who wants her dead so badly.

Happy Death Day 2U is stepping into seriously meta territory then, by featuring the same character suffering the same time loop problem in a sequel movie with perhaps both the worst and best name ever. This time though, her friends are involved in the string of deaths, making some strange amalgamation of Groundhog Day meets Friday The 13th.

Honestly, we're entirely okay with that.

Hopefully it's as self-aware and fun as the first film, and we might have the next Scream franchise on our hands.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.