10 Horror Movie Sequels That Had No Right To Be This Good

7. Annabelle Comes Home

Final Destination 5
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Annabelle of the wider Conjuring franchise is a fascinating figure.

Much hyped as being a key part of James Wan's The Conjuring, this terrifying little turd was ultimately a footnote in that picture. So, when horror hounds finally got to see more of Annabelle in her own self-titled 2014 movie, anticipation was high to see this creepy doll fully in the spotlight. Unfortunately, this film was a total stinker. Still, maybe Annabelle: Creation could do the sinister presence justice, right? Wrong, for that was just as bad, if not worse, than its predecessor.

By the time of Annabelle Comes Homes in 2019, the bloom was off the rose and nobody particularly cared about revisiting a character who interest in peaked six years prior.

For those who did give Comes Home a chance, they were rewarded with a surprisingly good movie that gave audiences the sinister Annabelle in the Warrens' family home. This is what we were teased with back in The Conjuring, and this threequel ticks plentiful terrifying boxes as the titular doll causes chaos for young Judy Warren while her parents are out of town.

It's not just Annabelle who shines here, mind, for Mckenna Grace's Judy, her babysitter and the 'sitter's pal are tormented by other demented apparitions, such as a coins-for-eyes ferryman, a pseudo werewolf, and a possessed, future-predicting TV set.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.