10 Horror Movie Sequels That Had No Right To Be This Good

6. Curse Of Chucky

Final Destination 5
Universal Studios

When Curse of Chucky was first announced, the vast majority of horror fans rolled their eyes at what was billed as starting from scratch with a standalone tale that ignored anything seen previously in the Child's Play franchise.

By this point, not only had Chucky long become an icon of the genre, but audiences had also developed a fondness for Charles Lee Ray's 'bride' Tiffany and their offspring Glen/Glenda. To hear that all of this was being thrown out of the window as the franchise recalibrated after five films, that had many shaking their head at the prospect of starting an entirely new canon for everyone's favourite Good Guy doll.

Gone were the battle-worn stitches and scars of Chucky, and instead a fresh new Good Guy arrives at the door of Nica and her family. While this doll starts to covertly slice its way through the family home, this is every inch a complete restart for the property. That is, of course, until it's revealed that Curse is both a do-over and a sequel - complete with appearances from franchise favourites Tiffany/Jennifer Tilly and Andy Barclay.

In Curse of Chucky, we have a film which exemplifies how to breathe fresh life into a series while still being respectful to what has come before. For that, writer/director Don Mancini deserves huge credit.

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Senior Writer

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