10 Horror Movie Sequels With ONE Great Scene

1. Liquid Nitrogen Face Smash - Jason X

Hostel 2
New Line Cinema

Jason X is not a good movie, but it is a fun movie. The tenth Friday the 13th sees the franchise become a full-on parody of itself as it takes the action to space, though at least has the good sense not to ever take itself too seriously.

The movie is largely defined by its woefully bad dialogue, wooden performances, laughable visual effects, and wonky death scenes, but there is one single kill which qualifies as a certifiable all-timer.

When Jason (Kane Hodder) is being autopsied by medical intern Adrienne (Kristi Angus), he wakes up and decides to shove her head in a conveniently situated vat of liquid nitrogen.

Once her face has frozen, he pulls her head out and smashes it on the nearby desk, shattering her face into a pile of gory shards.

Considering that the Friday the 13th series had long since given up on creative, visually interesting kills, this was an unexpected triumph - above all else, the freezing and gore effects remain genuinely excellent even 20 years later.

The death scene is popular enough that it was even debunked on MythBusters, and is still cited by horror fans and critics alike as one of the greatest horror movie death scenes of all time.

In a shamelessly trashy movie, it is a mini-masterpiece of ultra-violence.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.